GHK社區英文課程(初階)GHK Community English Course (Beginner Level)
Mon, 22 Jan
|Guildford Library

Time & Location
22 Jan 2024, 10:00 – 11:30 GMT
Guildford Library, 77 North St, Guildford GU1 4AL, UK
About the event
GHK社區英文課程(初階)GHK Community English Course (Beginner Level)
有留意開我哋嘅朋友應該等到頸都長啦!Guildford Hongkongers 將舉辦英文課程,希望幫助有興趣嘅朋友提升英文聽說能力,藉此學習日常生活嘅英文,用語言去融入社會。課程為期八個星期,並會由有授課經驗嘅英文導師指導,有興趣嘅朋友快啲報名啦!
Guildford Hongkongers is organising an English conversation course since we know language is the best way to integrate into the local community. This course is hoping to improve participants' English listening and speaking skills through learning English for daily life. The course lasts from 8 to 12 weeks and will be guided by an experienced English tutor. Interested friends please sign up now! 面授班詳情 Physical Course Details 日期 Date:2024年1月8日至2月26日(逢星期一 Every Monday) 時間 Time:10:00 am - 11:30 am 地點 Venue:Guildford Library 費用 Fee:免費 Free(將先收取£20留位費 Reservation fee for £20 is required)
網上班詳情 Online Course Details 日期 Date:2024年2月6日至3月26日(逢星期二 Every Tuesday) 時間 Time:20:00 - 21:30 費用 Fee:免費 Free(將收取£20留位費 Reservation fee for £20 is required)
The reservation fee will be returned after completion of the course (80% attendance required). 成功報名者會收到確認電郵,詳細繳費資料會一併提供。其他報名者會自動進入等候名單,除非有空出嘅名額,否則我哋唔會另行通知。 如果你嘅程度已經超過初階班,我哋就會拒絕你嘅報名,你將會收到電郵通知。 為確保課程質素,收生採取先到先得制。如有任何問題,請電郵至 同我哋聯絡。
To ensure course quality, admission is on a first-come-first-served basis. If you have any questions, please contact us at This event is being funded through the Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities regional VCSE grant for the Hong Kong BN(O) Welcome Programme.